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Business Continuity Plan (BCP)

Our Business Continuity Plan (BCP) based on our company's motto "Collaboration and Progress" has the following objective, and our basic policy is to maintain the "trust and confidence" from our customers, which has been built up by our predecessors. We are working on this as our first priority.


 By examining more specific event and developing an effective BCP, we improve the quality of our employees' lives and safety as top priority.
 In accordance with the basic corporate policy of "Strengthening Corporate Credibility", we respond quickly to disasters and aim to maximize the provision of service to our client.
 We contribute to society through reconstruction support activities such as infrastructure restoration which is our specialty.
 By actively publicizing these activities, we improve our corporate image and credibility.

【Basic Policy】

(1) Respect for human life
We place the highest priority on protecting the lives of employees and their safety.
(2) Continuation and early recovery of critical operation
We do our utmost to recover the property and to meet the needs of our customer. We fulfill our responsibilities and protect the trust of our customer.
(3) Contribution to the community
Contributing to society through mutual aid activities by actively cooperating with local communities and infrastructure restoration.
(4) Continuous education and improvement
We sequentially prepare various manuals, and educate and train, and finally promote to employees on the plan. We recognize our respective roles and build a system that they can act autonomously.

Specific contents are...

(1) Respect for human life
    We distribute mobile cards that are discribed our basic policy to all employees. (Except part-time workers)
   We have an emergency contact network.
(The network is reviewed, revised and improved every April by utilizing management software)
   We distribute maps of evacuation sites and routes to all workplace. (Including one person's workplace)
(2) Continuation and early recovery of critical operation
  We set target time about business continuity and recovery, and take measures to archive that. Our important (high-priority) operations are following 3 points.
 ①Building Maintenance(Cleaning) ②Management service ③Construction
(3) Contribution to the community
  Not only contributing to the local community, we actively participate in infrastructure restoration activities organized by each association which our construction department belong.
Ex.) Japan Sewerage Pipeline Maintenance Association, Nagoya Construction Industry Association and etc.
(4) Continuous education and improvement
 Our plan is reviewed, revised and improved every year.
 The emergency communication network is reviewed, revised and improved on every April.
 We make additional mobile cards that are discribed our basic policy for newcomer on every April, July, October and January.
 Doing education and training.
 Explanation of evacuation route.
By implementing ① to ⑤, we strive to spread and educate people about BCP, we build up systems that employees can aware of the importance of it and recognize their own roles to act autonomously.
 Through our company's motto "Collaboration and Progress,", we are working to formulate BCP and ensure smooth operation in emergency.

Support for disaster recovery
Support for disaster recovery

Support for disaster recovery
Briefing by the BCP project team
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